AP Biology
Cockayne Syndrome
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Diastrophic Dysplasia
Steroid Alpha Reducatse
Cadherin 6
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This website was made for AP Biology, by a highschool student, not a credible source to cite. So do not cite. My Works Cited page will provide links to sites which will provide you with information that you can cite.


Chromosomes are thread-like structures found in the nucleus. They come in many shapes and sizes. I have chromosome 5 out of the 22 and the sex chromosome.

I have noticed, as I researched about chromosone 5, that it has a lot to do with growth and mediation. The diseases, that I have reserached, are caused by abnormalaties and usually affect the bones of the body. Such as Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), Diatrophic Displasia (DTD), and Cockayne Syndrome.

The proteins that I have chosen, also, seem to adhere to the concept of maintenance. Cadherin 6 maintains cell to cell contact and adhesion while Steroid Alpha Reductase (SRD) which catalyzes reactions and may maintain blood pressure, though further investigation is required on that.

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